Tutorials & Tips

A bunch of tutorials, tips and tricks for the After Effects artist or enthusiast particularly concerned with Motion Design.

The Quick Tip: Effective Saving & the Advantage of Working within Increments

To me, there are few things worse in the world than losing countless hours of animation progress to a seemingly random software freeze. While I’ll leave Adobe to the bug squishing, we as the end-user can follow a few simple precautions to mitigate a complete disaster. These will be based around the management of your project file itself. 

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Four After Effects Plugins Worth Considering for the Motion Graphic Artist!

After Effects comes with some fantastic tools, but even Adobe occasionally drops the ball in innovation. Thankfully, third-party plug-ins are here to pull the weight and help streamline your own creative process. I’m going to list a few plug-ins that I use daily which I consider crucial for time-saving when creating motion graphics.

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